Reflective Discussion and Confirmation
Your Reflective Discussion and Confirmation must be completed face to face with an appropriate person once you have fully completed all of the other requirements and have gathered your evidence for your portfolio.
Who should complete your Reflective Discussion and Confirmation?
Do you have a permanent position in NHS or any other organisation?
If you have a permanent/substantive post within the NHS or any other organisation, your line manager must complete your reflective discussion and confirmation. Most organisation tie this in your with annual appraisal. We would recommend you discuss your revalidation with your line manager at least 6 weeks prior to your submission deadline date.
Your submission deadline date will be the 1st day of the month when your NMC annual fee is normally due. For example, if your renew your pin in March, your revalidation submission deadline will be 1st March. You can submit your completed revalidation documents to the NMC up to one month prior to your submission deadline.
Are you full time agency and/or bank staff?
If you do not have a permanent/substantive post within the NHS or another other organisation, you should complete your reflective discussion and confirmation with the organisation with which you currently complete the majority of your practice hours. We would recommend that you discuss your revalidation with the appropriate organisation at least 6 weeks prior to your submission deadline date.
Your submission deadline date will be the 1st day of the month when your NMC annual fee is normally due. For example, if your renew your pin in March, your revalidation submission deadline date will be 1st March. You can submit your completed revalidation documents to the NMC up to one month prior to your submission deadline date.

Information you may need from us
MSI can provide you with the following information even if you are not completing your Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation with us:
Statement of earnings
This is a document generated from our payroll system showing the total number of hours you have worked via MSI.
Expired mandatory training certificates – We can send you copies of any expired training certificates we hold on file free of charge. Please note that your mandatory training should only be used once for your CPD hours.
Current training certificates
We can send you copies of any current training certificates we hold on file. Please note that payment will be required if MSI arranged the training for you and you have not yet paid for copies.
If you have not yet completed your annual appraisal with one of our clinicians, we can arrange this for you. You can utilise this as one of your practice related feedbacks.
If you complete majority of your practice hours through MSI we can arrange for you to complete the following with one of our clinicians:
Reflective Discussion
Please note that these services do come at a charge. Please email us on revalidation@msigroupltd.com for more details.
If you are planning to utilise our clinicians for your Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation, you must submit all of the required documents and evidence to us before these can be arranged. In order to use these services, you must use the NMC templates for the requirements listed below and submit all of the relevant evidence. Please ensure the NMC templates are typed as per NMC guidance:
Practice Hours Log
You will need to evidence 450 hours in total per registration and you must also provide evidence of the hours worked. Suitable evidence can be timesheets, payslips, statement of earnings showing hours completed, or a letter from an organisation on headed paper confirming the total number of hours worked and the date ranges.
You will need to log and evidence 35 hours in total. 20 of the 35 hours must be participatory learning and must be clearly indicated on the NMC CPD log. The remaining 15 hours can be e-learning. You must supply evidence of all of the CPD hours, eg training certificates, attendance certificate etc.
5 pieces of practice related feedback
These can be positive or negative and can be from your manager, a colleague and/or a patient. These must be clearly documented on the practice related feedback log.
5 Reflective Accounts
You must complete a written reflective account using the NMC template for each piece of practice related feedback. We would recommend you use a reflective model such as The Gibbs Cycle when writing your reflective account.
The NMC templates are available as word documents on the NMC website. If you have any trouble locating these please email revalidation@msigroupltd.com and we will be happy to send you copies.
In order to arrange a suitable time to complete your Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation with one of MSI’s Clinicians, you must submit all of your completed NMC templates and evidence to us a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your submission date. This will ensure we have enough time for our Clinicians to check through your completed documents and arrange a suitable time for the Reflective Discussion and/or Confirmation to be completed via video call.
We highly recommend you complete your revalidation as early as possible to ensure your NMC pin does not lapse due to your revalidation not being submitted on time.